
Young Writers Society

A Happy Ending

by Soul of the Phantom

A Happy Ending

A Short Story

By: Isaac W. W.


Actually, this story I wrote quickly, I was really surprised.(Writing took about 2 hours, while editing took 30 minutes.)

I realized I had a weakness in third person writing, so I planned three stories which only took place in the third person, as a sort of project that I would write.

Since this is the first one I have finished, this is the first one I put up here. I may put the others up here If I feel like the are up to standard.

Comments and criticism are always welcome.

Thank you for your time.

Rick woke up, with a splitting headache, and found himself in very bright place.

Just then, while Rick tried to get up, he realized he was sitting down in a hard ass wooden chair. But also tied to the chair with incredible tied knots, it was even cutting off his blood pressure slightly. What was this? Was he captured by the Boy Scouts for god's sake?

Rick looked around wearily, wondering how he got here from his bedroom, and why he had a headache. So many mystery’s, and his answer was about to look him straight in the face.

A figure appeared from his side; Rick guessed he was probably standing behind him so as to not get blinded by that infernal bright light facing straight him.

Now, Rick was a tall man. He was once compared to the Golly Green Giant. Except was never golly. And was only green after a night of hitting the bar. Gabe had a really good sense of humor, even if he was a retard.

But getting back on point, Rick was tall, yet this dark silhouette was short.

From what Rick could tell, the figure before him was a short person, but not a midget at that. Just short. Weedy figure, it just didn't look natural. You would expect midgets to be burley like some kind of Monsters & Mazes dwarf, running around with a battle axe shouting at the top of its lungs. But please don't ask him where he came up with Monsters & Mazes. But he got the feeling it was a bad movie he saw...

The figure stepped in front of me, which saved him some of the glare of the miniature sun in front of Rick, but it still covered the persons face.

The person seemed to exam Rick for a brief second, then spoke in a highly disturbly voice. It had the tone as if someone was scratching a blackboard with very long figuer nails; it just hurt to listen too. But the indivsual also whizzed as if gasping for air, which almost seemed like a miracle, a break from the awful tone.

"You...Are awake...Mr. Rick Kilosss...Good." he said. (Yes, Rick could tell it was a he. Rick just couldn’t believe this voice would belong to a woman.)

"Now work...Can truly begin...Mr. Rick Kilosss."

Rick felt like he had to delay that voice from speaking again, or else Rick would commit sudice by bashing his head into the closest hard object.

"Hey kid, who the hell are you? Where the hell am I? And WHY am I here?" Rick asked, a desperate plea in his voice

The figure just shook its head; an impatient aura surrounded the silhouette.

"Questionsss...Questionsss...Isss that all there isss...To you people?"

The figure reached behind itself, and pulled out something. It was also blocked out thanks to the harsh light, but while being pulled out Rick noticed it glinted slivery in the light.

"Wha-" started Rick, before pain erupted in his left arm.

Rick screamed, he did not noticed what was hurting him. But when he looked down at his left arm, he screamed louder.

The figure and stabbed him, deep, with a now bloody sliver knife. Then the sadistic figure started dragging down, pulling skin down with him as he just pushed the knife down Ricks arm.

Hell embraced Rick, eager to accept his pain.

It felt like it lasted forever. But really it only lasted a minute. The figure retracted the blade, and his blacked out head seemed to bend close down to the knife, examining it.

Rick screamed long after the knife was pulled, he also started crying loudly, who the hell would do this to him?

After a while longer, Rick got a thread of control over himself, he was just now panting like he ran a 10 mile race. He let his head hang. What agony! The pain still smashed brain cells in his head, but he could ignore it for now.

"Weeping...Nor ssscreaming will aid you here...Any more questionsss...Mr. Rick Kilosss...Hmm?" The voice, even with its horrible tone, was completely monotone, no heart, no soul, not even joy for what he just caused.

Even though Rick knew what might happen if he continued, he could not stand here uninformed. He had always known everything! It was part of his job, a part of his life!

"What’s...Your name, kid?" Rick asked, weakly.

The figure didn't even laugh as at my tone of voice.

"Namesss...What a wassste of breath...Jussst call me Doe...Mr. Rick Kilosss." the voice answered.

Rick closed his eyes, waiting for the pain.

Nothing came expect the man named Doe's voice.

"Asss...To your earlier questionsss... I have already anssswered the firssst...Asss for the sssecond...You are currently located on Ssseveteny Fourth Sssquare Way...Zip Code...Nine-sssix-sssix-eight...And in the ownersss basssement." Doe said in an almost mechanical, practiced-a-hundred-times way.

Why was he answering Rick's questions? Rick could report to the cops, and have this place burned to the ground. Was this kid an idiot?

"Asss...For your third quessstion...Becaussse I sssaw fit to...Communicate with you...Mr. Rick Kilosss."

Rick coughed, time to pull out the smart-ass card. He was on roll!

"Why the hell are you talking like that, you some sssnake, fuckin' dumb ass."

You could probably guessed what came next, Mr. Knife came back to tell Rick he went too far, again.

After another few minutes of intense pain, Rick pulled himself together.

Doe shook his head, but there seemed be no emotion attached to it.

"That wasss...Not a quessstion...Nor a polite one...I choice not to anssswer you...Mr. Rick Kilosss."

Rick already had a comeback ready in his mind, but deiced better to hold it back until a latter date.

"Now...You will ssstop talking...And do sssome lissstening for once...Mr. Rick Kilosss."

Rick was getting pissed with Doe constantly using his first and last name for the end of each of his sentiences. Doe really knew how to piss people off.

"I am an advisssior...To sssomeone you know...Dr. Garth Wessstfield, do you remember...Him...Mr. Rick Kilosss?"

After a minute of confusion, Rick remembered who he was...Oh shit.

"From your fassical expression I will...Assume ssso...Asss a tursssted advisssior to Dr. Garth Wessstfield...He came to me about thisss issue."

Rick couldn't stop himself; he just steeled himself for the coming pain, and interrupted while Doe was gasping, much more desperately this time for breath.

"Advisor my ass! Advisors don't torture people, kid! They are paper pushers! Not hit-men!"

No pain for that comment, what the hell? Doe was one fickle person.

"I assure you...Mr. Rick Kilosss...I am no man."

What kind of answer was that?

"...but I mussst warn you...I will not accept anymore performancesss of free-will...I know how to cut your kind...Ssso I recommend you to be sssilent...For your sssake at leassst...Mr. Rick Kilosss."

There was a pause, not to allow Doe to take a breath, but to allow Rick to absorb the information.

It was a very awkward turtle silence.

"Now...Letsss finally begin."

Another pause as Doe seemed to consider what he was about it say.

"Your career isss...Business paper sssorting...You organize large companiesss paperwork...Asss well ass cities...Or townsss." Doe reverted back to his practiced-a-hundred-times tone.

"But you are alssso known asss...Information deal...to a few ssselect people."

"My client...Dr. Garth Wessstfield...Found out about you...And made a deal with you...For information."

"At the end of thisss...Deal...You ssseemed to gain some information on Dr. Garth Wessstfield...Of the incrementing sssort...And we caught wind of your tratioress nature."

Holy shit, how did this guy know about Rick's coming deal with his next client...Rick felt like something unnatural, sick thing was slowly growing in his belly.

"Ssso...Naturally Dr. Garth Wessstfield did the correct thing...He asssked for advissse...From me."

The sick little thing growing inside of Rick, was hitting a growth spurt.

"And...I decided that I would confront you myssself...Itsss been awhile sssenssse I have dealt anyone expect for...Dr. Garth Wessstfield...And I wasss interesssted in thisss...Matter."

Little sick baby-demon thing wanted to come out, and Rick was too happy to oblige. He threw up all over his own feet. It did not stop Doe at all.

"I waited until the correct time...3:00 AM to be exact...Then I came to you while you were sssleeping...I wasss in the middle of the process to take you here...When you ssstirred...I sssilenced you...Which isss probably a good reason for that headache you currently have...I apologize."

Rick deiced finally on what to think of Doe. He was a crazy, crazy bastard. Holy shit Westfield must have gone through some horrible shit to find this guy. Oh shit was Rick dead. Oh shit...

Doe continued.

"Ssso...We find ourselves in here...Now to bussienesss. Mr. Rick Kilosss."

This was just a bad dream, thought Rick. Just a bad fuckin' dream!

"I propossse...That you withhold all information you learned about Dr. Garth Wessstfield...You never met him...You never heard of him...He doesss not exissst."

Oh god...Oh god...Oh god...

"In return...No one with any contact at all to...Dr. Garth Wessstfield...Will kill you...I ssswear thisss on my true name...Do you agree Mr. Rick Kilosss?"

Its was just a nightmare...It was just a nightmare...It was just a nightmare...

"Mr. Rick Kilosss?"

Rick couldn't stand it anymore.

"FINE! FINE! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Rick shouted to the top of his lungs.


Another sharp pain on Rick's already mutilated arm, but Rick could not feel his arm anymore. He couldn't feel anything.

"Thisss...Cut...Ssshowsss our agreement...Ssso you never forget...Never forget."

Rick did not care anymore; he just wanted to go home...

"But...Remember Mr. Rick Kilosss...I will hunt you down to...To the upper regionsss of heaven...And the deepessst cornerssss of hell...If I have to...You will die...If you ssslip...I will find you."

The blindly light suddenly shut down behind Doe, Ricks eyes adjusted slowly to the new darker place. But the lamp above Rick let him finally see Doe.

He was short, as Rick guessed before hand, wearing a small black business suit, stained with Rick's blood from the cutting. He also wore matching loose paints to add to his humorless figure. This was the guy that hurt Rick?

Then Rick looked up at his face. It was not human...Oh god it wasn't human...

The skin of Doe's face seemed tight, taunt as if someone was pulling it from behind. No hair on Doe's head, none at all. It had no eyes at all, not even eye sockets. Just a blank piece of taunt skin.

Doe had an overlarge, beak-like nose that seemed over a foot long. It was flesh colored. And ugly as hell, pieces of it were missing as if Doe had got into hundreds of fights. Doe's mouth was pulled deeper in his head then any human mouth, and it was lined with sickly yellow teeth. Square teeth, pointed teeth, hooked teeth, all kinds of teeth. Like some kind of demon shark.

The skin around Doe's mouth stretched even more taunt, pulling back into some sick smile; his touge was a sickly green and orange, long and snake-like as it seemed to taste the air.

Doe was smiling.

"It'sss a hobby of mine...Mr. Rick Kilosss."

Rick screamed...

...And awoke in his bed, screaming as his wife tried to claim him down.

So that’s it.

Rick forgot he ever heard of anyone named 'Dr. Garth Westfield', and also quit his job to become a owner of a video rental store. His wife and children left him, because of his paranoid attitude since that faithful night, and how he talked to shadows and did other such insane things.

Maybe it was just a dream, but Rick didn't care.

Rick spent the rest of his life, up until seventy-four years of age very alive, before he died of a heart attack. A all too natural death.

At his funeral some said they saw a small figure, off to the distances wearing a business suit and a top hat gazing at the ceremony. Then just disappeared once the body was lowered into its home for all of eternity. The three scars on his arm resting with him.

Now, wasn't that a happy ending?

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45 Reviews

Points: 890
Reviews: 45

Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:45 pm
Extraterrestial says...

i agree with shrek, but what the hell is with the a new line after every sentance. But dont let that bother you to much, as it was still a good story.

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20 Reviews

Points: 890
Reviews: 20

Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:23 am
Shreksurmum wrote a review...

i liked this, i was pulled into the story and i liked the plot, also now grammar mistakes!
there is one thing i want to critique though, make sure you check your spellings

but deiced better to hold it back until a latter date
but DECIDED better to hold back until a later date

Powerful men have a way of avoiding consequences.
— Dr. Harrison Wells, The Flash